Undergraduate Studies

Students working in the COVID water waste lab

Undergraduate Academic Advising

Visit the Academic Advising website to find your advsior, schedule a meeting, or learn more about the program. 

Academic Advising

If you have questions about the Biological Sciences program, contact the Academic Advisors for the College of Arts and Sciences. Walk-ins are welcome, but appointments are strongly encouraged.

Bachelor of Arts in Biological Sciences

The B.A. in Biological Sciences is a popular choice for students who are interested in a career in areas such as wildlife management or environmental law and is often combined with a minor in a discipline such as Psychology, History, Alaska Native Studies, History, English, a Foreign Language or Music.  

The B.A. in Biological Sciences is also popular with pre-medical students who wish to acquire and demonstrate academic skills and interests that extend beyond the pure sciences.

Program Student Learning Outcomes

Students graduating with a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor or Science in Biological Sciences will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the core concepts in the biological sciences: evolution; structure and function relationships; information flow; exchange and storage; transformation of energy and matter.
  • Apply the process of science and construct knowledge through observations, experimentation, quantitative reasoning and hypothesis testing.
  • Read, analyze and synthesize primary literature, and communicate scientific concepts and data in written and oral form.
  • B.A. Biological Sciences Requirements

    The Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Biological Sciences prepares students for careers in biology, graduate programs in biological sciences, and professional programs in health fields including medical, dental and veterinary.

    Admission Requirements Academic Requirements

    To graduate with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Biological Sciences, the student must complete all courses covered under major requirements for a BA in Biological Sciences with a minimum grade of C. All prerequisites for Biology (BIOL) courses must be completed with a minimum grade of C. Students who audit or are unable to earn a minimum grade of C in a lower-division (100- or 200-level) BIOL course may repeat the course two additional times on a space-available basis. Students who audit or are unable to earn a minimum grade of C in an upper-division (300- or 400-level) BIOL course may repeat the course one additional time on a space-available basis. Students repeating a BIOL course are required to complete all components of that course during the semester in which the course is retaken. When repeating a course with a lecture and laboratory component, both components must be repeated. Students enrolled in a BIOL laboratory must attend lab the first week of class or they may be administratively dropped.

    Graduation Requirements
    Support Courses
    Complete 27 credits from the following prefixes, 9 credits of which must be upper-division, and may include courses from the general education requirements lists. You must complete a minimum of 3 credits from each of the following areas:27
    Fine Arts (ART, CWLA, DNCE, MUS, THR)
    Core Courses
    BIOL A108Principles and Methods in Biology6
    BIOL A242Fundamentals of Cell Biology3
    BIOL A243Experiential Learning: Cell Biology and Genetics4
    or BIOL A273 Experiential Learning: Ecology and Evolution
    BIOL A252Principles of Genetics3
    BIOL A271Principles of Ecology3
    BIOL A288Principles of Evolution3
    BIOL A492Undergraduate Seminar1
    CHEM A105
    General Chemistry I
    and General Chemistry I Laboratory
    CHEM A106
    General Chemistry II
    and General Chemistry II Laboratory
    STAT A200Elementary Statistics3-4
    or STAT A253 Applied Statistics for the Sciences
    or STAT A307 Probability and Statistics
    Upper-Division Program Electives18
    Complete a minimum of 3 credits from four of the five subject areas. A minimum of 6 credits must be experiential learning courses from two subject areas. 1
    Genetics, Cellular and Molecular Biology
    BIOL A452
    Human Genome
    BIOL A455
    Experiential Learning: Bioinformatics
    BIOL A461
    Molecular Biology
    BIOL A463
    Molecular Biology of Cancer
    BIOL A465
    Experiential Learning: Molecular Biology
    BIOL/CHEM A471
    MBIO A340
    Microbial Biology
    MBIO A342
    Experiential Learning: Microbial Biology
    MBIO A460
    Host-Microbiome Interactions
    MBIO A462
    Ecology and Evolution
    BIOL A430
    Marine Mammal Biology
    BIOL A441
    Animal Behavior
    BIOL A442
    Experiential Learning: Animal Behavior
    BIOL A467
    Wildlife Ecology
    BIOL A472
    BIOL A473
    Conservation Biology
    BIOL/CHEM A474
    BIOL A477
    Tundra and Taiga Ecosystems
    BIOL A478
    Biological Oceanography
    BIOL A481
    Marine Biology
    BIOL A483
    Exploration Ecology
    BIOL A484
    Experiential Learning: Exploration Ecology Field Study
    BIOL A486
    Evolutionary Ecology
    MBIO A450
    Microbial Ecology
    MBIO/GEOL A468
    MBIO A470
    Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Disease
    Diversity and Organismal Biology
    BIOL A320
    Vertebrate Biology
    BIOL A321
    Experiential Learning: Vertebrate Biology
    BIOL A330
    Plant Biology
    BIOL A423
    BIOL A427
    Marine Invertebrate Biology
    BIOL A430
    Marine Mammal Biology
    BIOL A431
    Plant Diversity and Evolution
    BIOL A487
    Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates
    MBIO A340
    Microbial Biology
    MBIO A342
    Experiential Learning: Microbial Biology
    MBIO A440
    Microbial Diversity
    BIOL A310
    Principles of Animal Physiology
    BIOL A311
    Experiential Learning: Animal Physiology
    BIOL A412
    Behavioral Endocrinology
    BIOL A413
    BIOL A415
    Comparative Animal Physiology
    BIOL A417
    Applied Kinesiology and Exercise Physiology
    BIOL A418
    Fish Physiology
    BIOL A419
    Sleep and Chronobiology
    BIOL A487
    Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates
    MBIO A410
    Microbial Physiology
    Additional Upper-Division Electives
    BIOL A490
    Selected Lecture Topics in Biology
    BIOL A490L
    Selected Laboratory Topics in Biology 1
    BIOL A495
    Instructional Practicum: Laboratory
    BIOL A497
    Independent Study in Biology
    BIOL A498
    Individual Research 1
    BIOL A499
    Senior Thesis

    Several courses are listed in more than one area. Each course can only count toward the credit requirement in one area. BIOL A498 and BIOL A490L credits may not be counted toward the experiential learning minimum requirement. 

    A minimum of 120 credits is required for the degree, 39 credits of which must be upper-division.

    Biological Sciences Exit Examination

    All BA Biological Sciences majors are required to complete a nationally standardized exit examination during the semester immediately prior to or during the semester they intend to graduate. There is no minimum score required for graduation. 

    Honors in Biological Sciences

    The Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Biological Sciences recognizes distinguished achievement by conferring programmatic honors in biological sciences. In order to receive honors in biological sciences, a student must meet the following requirements:

    • Meet the requirements for Graduation with Honors;
    • Meet the requirements for a BA in Biological Sciences;
    • Earn a minimum GPA of 3.50 in the major requirements;
    • During the senior year of their academic program, the student must gain faculty approval for and complete, with a minimum grade of B, a senior thesis research project, with enrollment in BIOL A499. Biological science faculty members must approve the project proposal and final written report.

Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences

Students must choose either the Biological Sciences, or Microbiological Sciences Option.

The B.S. in Biological Sciences is a popular choice for students who are interested in pursuing careers in biological research as it provides strong preparation for relevant graduate school programs such as an M.S. in Biological Sciences or a PhD.  The B.S. in Biological Sciences is also a good choice for students who are interested in moving directly into a biological or environmental career.

This B.S. in Biological Sciences Is also a popular choice for pre-medical, pre-dental and pre-veterinary students as combining the degree requirements with the relevant professional school pre-requisites is relatively straight forward and as it enables these students to demonstrate interest and ability in a relevant discipline.

Program Student Learning Outcomes

Students graduating with a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the core concepts in the biological sciences: evolution; structure and function relationships; information flow, exchange and storage; transformation of energy and matter.
  • Apply the process of science and construct knowledge through observations, experimentation, quantitative reasoning and hypothesis testing.
  • Read, analyze and synthesize primary literature, and communicate scientific concepts and data in written and oral form.
  • B.S. Biological Sciences Requirements

    The Bachelor of Science (BS) in Biological Sciences includes a core program in Biological Sciences with two areas of study, and a core program in Microbiological Sciences. In Biological Sciences, completing courses from the cellular and molecular biology area prepares students for graduate and professional programs in areas such as medicine, dentistry and veterinary science, while completing courses from the organismal, ecology and evolutionary area prepares students for careers and graduate programs in environmental, organismal and evolutionary biology. Completing the Microbiological Sciences option prepares students for careers in infectious disease and epidemiology, environmental conservation and quality analysis, and graduate programs in microbiology, cell biology, molecular biology and other related fields, as well as professional programs such as medical school. It is imperative that students consult academic advisors within the Department of Biological Sciences to determine which electives are most appropriate to their career interests.

    Admission Requirements
    • Complete the Admission Requirements for Baccalaureate Degrees.
    • Declare the major (see major requirements below) and select one of two options: biological sciences or microbiological sciences. To choose an option, students must meet with an advisor. To schedule the advising session, contact the Department of Biological Sciences.
    Academic Requirements

    To graduate with a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Biological Sciences, the student must complete all courses covered under major requirements for a BS in Biological Sciences with a minimum grade of C. All prerequisites for Biology (BIOL) courses must be completed with a minimum grade of C. Students who audit or are unable to earn a minimum grade of C in a lower-division (100- or 200-level) BIOL course may repeat the course two additional times on a space available basis. Students who audit or are unable to earn a minimum grade of C in an upper-division (300- or 400-level) BIOL or Microbiology (MBIO) course may repeat the course one additional time on a space-available basis. Students repeating a BIOL or MBIO course are required to complete all components of that course during the semester in which the course is retaken. When repeating a course with a lecture and laboratory component, both components must be repeated. Students enrolled in a BIOL or MBIO laboratory or experiential learning course must attend the lab or course the first week of class or they may be administratively dropped.

    Graduation Requirements Biological Sciences Option
    Required Support Courses
    CHEM A105
    General Chemistry I
    and General Chemistry I Laboratory
    CHEM A106
    General Chemistry II
    and General Chemistry II Laboratory
    CHEM A321Organic Chemistry I3
    CHEM A322Organic Chemistry II3
    CHEM A323L Organic Chemistry Laboratory2
    MATH A251Calculus I4-6
    or MATH A251F F.A.T. Calculus I
    MATH A252Calculus II4-6
    or MATH A252F F.A.T. Calculus II
    STAT A253Applied Statistics for the Sciences4
    or STAT A307 Probability and Statistics
    Select one of the following options:8
    Option 1:
    PHYS A123
    College Physics I
    and College Physics I Laboratory
    PHYS A124
    College Physics II
    and College Physics II Laboratory
    Option 2:
    PHYS A211
    General Physics I
    and General Physics I Laboratory
    PHYS A212
    General Physics II
    and General Physics II Laboratory
    Core Courses
    BIOL A108Principles and Methods in Biology6
    BIOL A242Fundamentals of Cell Biology3
    BIOL A243Experiential Learning: Cell Biology and Genetics4
    or BIOL A273 Experiential Learning: Ecology and Evolution
    BIOL A252Principles of Genetics3
    BIOL A271Principles of Ecology3
    BIOL A288Principles of Evolution3
    BIOL A492Undergraduate Seminar1
    Upper-Division Program Electives24
    Complete a minimum of 3 credits from four of the five subject areas. A minimum of 6 credits must be experiential learning courses from two subject areas. 1
    Genetics, Cellular and Molecular Biology
    BIOL A452
    Human Genome
    BIOL A455
    Experiential Learning: Bioinformatics
    BIOL A461
    Molecular Biology
    BIOL A463
    Molecular Biology of Cancer
    BIOL A465
    Experiential Learning: Molecular Biology
    BIOL/CHEM A471
    MBIO A340
    Microbial Biology
    MBIO A342
    Experiential Learning: Microbial Biology
    MBIO A460
    Host-Microbiome Interactions
    MBIO A462
    Ecology and Evolution
    BIOL A430
    Marine Mammal Biology
    BIOL A441
    Animal Behavior
    BIOL A442
    Experiential Learning: Animal Behavior
    BIOL A467
    Wildlife Ecology
    BIOL A472
    BIOL A473
    Conservation Biology
    BIOL/CHEM A474
    BIOL A477
    Tundra and Taiga Ecosystems
    BIOL A478
    Biological Oceanography
    BIOL A481
    Marine Biology
    BIOL A483
    Exploration Ecology
    BIOL A484
    Experiential Learning: Exploration Ecology Field Study
    BIOL A486
    Evolutionary Ecology
    MBIO A450
    Microbial Ecology
    MBIO/GEOL A468
    MBIO A470
    Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Disease
    Diversity and Organismal Biology
    BIOL A320
    Vertebrate Biology
    BIOL A321
    Experiential Learning: Vertebrate Biology
    BIOL A330
    Plant Biology
    BIOL A423
    BIOL A427
    Marine Invertebrate Biology
    BIOL A430
    Marine Mammal Biology
    BIOL A431
    Plant Diversity and Evolution
    BIOL A487
    Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates
    MBIO A340
    Microbial Biology
    MBIO A342
    Experiential Learning: Microbial Biology
    MBIO A440
    Microbial Diversity
    BIOL A310
    Principles of Animal Physiology
    BIOL A311
    Experiential Learning: Animal Physiology
    BIOL A412
    Behavioral Endocrinology
    BIOL A413
    BIOL A415
    Comparative Animal Physiology
    BIOL A417
    Applied Kinesiology and Exercise Physiology
    BIOL A418
    Fish Physiology
    BIOL A419
    Sleep and Chronobiology
    BIOL A487
    Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates
    MBIO A410
    Microbial Physiology
    Additional Upper-Division Electives
    BIOL A490
    Selected Lecture Topics in Biology
    BIOL A490L
    Selected Laboratory Topics in Biology 1
    BIOL A495
    Instructional Practicum: Laboratory
    BIOL A497
    Independent Study in Biology
    BIOL A498
    Individual Research 1
    BIOL A499
    Senior Thesis 1
    CHEM A441
    Principles of Biochemistry I
    CHEM A442
    Principles of Biochemistry II
    CHEM A443
    Biochemistry Laboratory
    Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
     Microbiological Sciences Option
    Required Support Courses
    CHEM A105
    General Chemistry I
    and General Chemistry I Laboratory
    CHEM A106
    General Chemistry II
    and General Chemistry II Laboratory
    CHEM A321Organic Chemistry I3
    CHEM A322Organic Chemistry II3
    CHEM A323L Organic Chemistry Laboratory2
    MATH A251Calculus I4-6
    or MATH A251F F.A.T. Calculus I
    MATH A252Calculus II4-6
    or MATH A252F F.A.T. Calculus II
    STAT A253Applied Statistics for the Sciences4
    or STAT A307 Probability and Statistics
    Select one of the following options:8
    Option 1:
    PHYS A123
    College Physics I
    and College Physics I Laboratory
    PHYS A124
    College Physics II
    and College Physics II Laboratory
    Option 2:
    PHYS A211
    General Physics I
    and General Physics I Laboratory
    PHYS A212
    General Physics II
    and General Physics II Laboratory
    Core Courses
    BIOL A108Principles and Methods in Biology6
    BIOL A242Fundamentals of Cell Biology3
    BIOL A243Experiential Learning: Cell Biology and Genetics4
    or BIOL A273 Experiential Learning: Ecology and Evolution
    BIOL A252Principles of Genetics3
    BIOL A271Principles of Ecology3
    BIOL A288Principles of Evolution3
    BIOL A455Experiential Learning: Bioinformatics4
    BIOL A492Undergraduate Seminar1
    MBIO A340Microbial Biology3
    MBIO A342Experiential Learning: Microbial Biology4
    MBIO A440Microbial Diversity3
    or MBIO A450 Microbial Ecology
    or MBIO A468 Geomicrobiology
    MBIO A460Host-Microbiome Interactions3
    or MBIO A462 Virology
    or BIOL A471 Immunology
    Upper-Division Program Electives in Microbiology9
    Complete a minimum of 9 credits from the Upper-Division Program Electives in Microbiology. Only 3 credits of BIOL A495, BIOL A497, BIOL A498, or BIOL A499 can count toward this 9 credit requirement. 1
    BIOL A461
    Molecular Biology
    BIOL A465
    Experiential Learning: Molecular Biology
    BIOL A471
    BIOL A490
    Selected Lecture Topics in Biology
    BIOL A490L
    Selected Laboratory Topics in Biology
    BIOL A495
    Instructional Practicum: Laboratory
    BIOL A497
    Independent Study in Biology
    BIOL A498
    Individual Research
    BIOL A499
    Senior Thesis
    CHEM A441
    Principles of Biochemistry I
    CHEM A442
    Principles of Biochemistry II
    CHEM A443
    Biochemistry Laboratory
    MBIO A410
    Microbial Physiology
    MBIO A440
    Microbial Diversity
    MBIO A450
    Microbial Ecology
    MBIO A460
    Host-Microbiome Interactions
    MBIO A462
    MBIO A468
    MBIO A470
    Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Disease

    Several courses are listed in more than one area. Each course can only count toward the credit requirement in one area. BIOL A490L and BIOL A498 credits may not be counted toward the experiential learning minimum requirement in the Biological Sciences option.

    A minimum of 120 credits is required for the degree, 39 credits of which must be upper-division.

    Biological Sciences Exit Examination

    All BS Biological Sciences majors are required to complete a nationally standardized exit examination during the semester immediately prior to or during the semester they intend to graduate. There is no minimum score required for graduation. 

    Honors in Biological Sciences

    The Bachelor of Science (BS) in Biological Sciences recognizes distinguished achievement by conferring programmatic honors in biological sciences. In order to receive honors in biological sciences, a student must meet the following requirements:

    • Meet the requirements for Graduation with Honors;
    • Meet the requirements for a BS in Biological Sciences;
    • Earn a minimum GPA of 3.50 in the major requirements;
    • During the senior year of their academic program, the student must gain faculty approval for and complete, with a minimum grade of B, a senior thesis research project, with enrollment in BIOL A499. Biological science faculty members must approve the project proposal and final written report.

Bachelor of Science in Natural Sciences

Students must choose either the Environmental Sciences or Pre-Health Professions Option.

The BS in Natural Sciences is a flexible degree program for students interested in careers in biological or environmental sciences, in biomedicine, or who wish to apply to medical, veterinary, dental or pharmacy school. Its flexible nature has made it popular with a wide variety of Science students, and it is often combined with a minor in a second discipline such as Psychology, Physics or Mathematics. The B.S. in Natural Sciences is also a popular choice for students interested in pursuing careers in STEM teaching at the secondary school level, as the breadth of the program provides them with the qualifications and skills that they need to obtain and to excel in such positions.

Program Student Learning Outcomes

Students graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Natural Sciences will be able to:

  • Design and implement scientific investigations to explore natural phenomena using experimentation, which includes exploration and discovery, and testing ideas (gathering and interpreting data)
  • Clearly and accurately communicate scientific ideas, theories, and observations in oral and written forms
  • Apply scientific data, concepts, and models to craft interdisciplinary explanations of scientific ideas across two of the natural sciences
  • B.S. Natural Sciences Requirements

    The Bachelor of Science (BS) in Natural Sciences provides a broad, customizable program of studies in the sciences, with coursework across multiple disciplines. It prepares students for advanced study or careers in the environmental sciences and the health professions. Graduates of the program have gone on to further study and jobs in a diversity of fields, such as veterinary, medical, and dental schools, and environmental consulting.

    Admission Requirements
    • Complete the Admission Requirements for Baccalaureate Programs.
    • Declare the major (see major requirements) and select one of two options: Pre-health Professions or Environmental Sciences. To declare the BS in Natural Sciences as their major, students must meet with an advisor to be accepted into the major. To schedule an advising session, contact the Department of Biological Sciences. At the advising session students are required to choose one of the two options.
    Graduation Requirements
    • Complete the General University Requirements for Baccalaureate Degrees.
    • Complete the General Education Requirements for Baccalaureate Degrees.
    • It is recommended that mathematical and statistical requirements be completed in the first two years of study.
    • No more than 6 credits may come from courses designated as A495, A498 and A499 combined, with no more than 2 credits from A495.
    • No more than 2 credits may be A492.
    • Courses not listed as approved for the BS in Natural Sciences may be considered by petition, which should be signed by an advisor.
    • All prerequisites for courses used to meet the natural sciences degree requirements must be completed with a minimum grade of C. Students who audit a course intended to meet the natural sciences degree requirements or who are unable to earn a minimum grade of C in the course may repeat the course. Students who audit or are unable to earn a minimum grade of C in a lower-division (100- or 200-level) Biology (BIOL) course may repeat the course two additional times on a space-available basis. Students who audit or are unable to earn a minimum grade of C in an upper-division (300- or 400-level) BIOL or Microbiology (MBIO) course may repeat the course one additional time on a space-available basis. Students repeating a BIOL or MBIO course are required to complete all components of that course during the semester in which the course is retaken. When repeating a course with a lecture and laboratory component, both components must be repeated. Students enrolled in a BIOL or MBIO laboratory must attend lab the first week of class or they may be administratively dropped.
    • All natural sciences majors are required to take an exit examination, a standardized test of knowledge. There is no minimum score required for graduation. The exam may be completed at the UAA Testing Center and a fee will be charged to students, or as part of BIOL A492.
    • Complete the following major requirements with a minimum grade of C:
    Environmental Sciences Option
    BIOL A108Principles and Methods in Biology6
    BIOL A271Principles of Ecology3
    BIOL A273Experiential Learning: Ecology and Evolution4
    BIOL A288Principles of Evolution3
    BIOL A492Undergraduate Seminar1
    CHEM A105
    General Chemistry I
    and General Chemistry I Laboratory
    CHEM A106
    General Chemistry II
    and General Chemistry II Laboratory
    ECON A210Environmental Economics and Policy3
    GEOL A115
    Dangerous Earth
    and Dangerous Earth Laboratory
    GEOG A470Environmental Policy and Regulation in Alaska3
    PHIL A303Environmental Ethics3
    STAT A253Applied Statistics for the Sciences4
    or STAT A307 Probability and Statistics
    Complete 48 elective credits from the following, of which 36 must be upper-division:48
    Biology and Microbiology Upper Division
    Complete a minimum of 15 credits from the following:
    BIOL A310
    Principles of Animal Physiology
    BIOL A311
    Experiential Learning: Animal Physiology
    BIOL A330
    Plant Biology
    BIOL A415
    Comparative Animal Physiology
    BIOL A418
    Fish Physiology
    BIOL A423
    BIOL A424
    Experiential Learning: Ichthyology
    BIOL A427
    Marine Invertebrate Biology
    BIOL A430
    Marine Mammal Biology
    BIOL A431
    Plant Diversity and Evolution
    BIOL A441
    Animal Behavior
    BIOL A442
    Experiential Learning: Animal Behavior
    BIOL A446
    Global Climate Change
    BIOL A455
    Experiential Learning: Bioinformatics
    BIOL A467
    Wildlife Ecology
    BIOL A469
    Arctic Environmental Security
    BIOL A472
    BIOL A473
    Conservation Biology
    BIOL/CHEM A474
    BIOL A477
    Tundra and Taiga Ecosystems
    BIOL A478
    Biological Oceanography
    BIOL A481
    Marine Biology
    BIOL A483
    Exploration Ecology
    BIOL A484
    Experiential Learning: Exploration Ecology Field Study
    BIOL A486
    Evolutionary Ecology
    BIOL A490
    Selected Lecture Topics in Biology
    BIOL A490L
    Selected Laboratory Topics in Biology
    BIOL A498
    Individual Research
    BIOL A499
    Senior Thesis
    MBIO A340
    Microbial Biology
    MBIO A342
    Experiential Learning: Microbial Biology
    MBIO A410
    Microbial Physiology
    MBIO A440
    Microbial Diversity
    MBIO A450
    Microbial Ecology
    MBIO A468
    MBIO A470
    Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Disease
    Geology Upper Division
    Complete a minimum of 15 credits from the following:
    GEOL A315
    Geological Data Visualization and Analysis
    GEOL A331
    Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
    GEOL A333
    Earthquakes and Seismic Hazards
    GEOL A361
    Earth Resources and Society
    GEOL A441
    GEOL A444
    The Cryosphere
    GEOL A461
    GEOL A463
    Environmental Geochemistry
    GEOL A480
    Geologic Field Methods
    GEOL A490
    Advanced Topics in Geology
    GEOL A498
    Student Research
    GEOL A499
    Senior Thesis
    Math and Computational Skills
    Complete a minimum of 12 credits from the following:
    CS A109
    Computer Programming (Languages Vary)
    or CSCE A201
    Computer Programming I
    CSCE A360
    Database Systems
    GIS A458
    Spatial Data Management
    GIS A466
    Spatial Analysis
    GIS A467
    Image Analysis
    MATH A251
    Calculus I
    or MATH A251F
    F.A.T. Calculus I
    MATH A252
    Calculus II
    or MATH A252F
    F.A.T. Calculus II
    MATH A253
    Calculus III
    STAT A308
    Intermediate Statistics for the Sciences
    STAT A402
    Scientific Sampling
    STAT A403
    Regression Analysis
    STAT A407
    Time Series Analysis
    Social Sciences Upper Division
    Complete a minimum of 6 credits from the following:
    ANTH A454
    Culture and Ecology
    ANTH A477
    Cultural Resource Management
    CEL A390
    Special Topics in Civic Engagement
    ECON A445
    Methods for Public Policy Evaluation
    ENGL A478
    Public Science Writing
    GEOG A475
    Geospatial and Cartographic Techniques for the Sciences
    SOC A404
    Environmental Sociology
    Pre-Health Professions Option
    BIOL A108Principles and Methods in Biology6
    BIOL A242Fundamentals of Cell Biology3
    BIOL A252Principles of Genetics3
    BIOL A492Undergraduate Seminar1
    CHEM A105
    General Chemistry I
    and General Chemistry I Laboratory
    CHEM A106
    General Chemistry II
    and General Chemistry II Laboratory
    CHEM A321Organic Chemistry I3
    CHEM A441Principles of Biochemistry I 13
    or MBIO A340 Microbial Biology
    PHYS A123
    College Physics I
    and College Physics I Laboratory
    PHYS A124
    College Physics II
    and College Physics II Laboratory
    Complete 54 elective credits from the following, of which 31 must be upper-division:54
    Natural Sciences
    Complete a minimum of 21 credits from the following:
    BIOL A111
    Human Anatomy and Physiology I
    BIOL A111L
    Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lab
    BIOL A112
    Human Anatomy and Physiology II
    BIOL A112L
    Human Anatomy and Physiology II Lab
    BIOL A200
    Introduction to Complexity
    BIOL A240
    Introductory Microbiology for Health Sciences 2
    BIOL A240L
    Introductory Microbiology for Health Sciences Laboratory 3
    BIOL A243
    Experiential Learning: Cell Biology and Genetics
    BIOL A288
    Principles of Evolution
    BIOL A310
    Principles of Animal Physiology
    BIOL A311
    Experiential Learning: Animal Physiology
    BIOL A320
    Vertebrate Biology
    BIOL A321
    Experiential Learning: Vertebrate Biology
    BIOL A412
    Behavioral Endocrinology
    BIOL A413
    BIOL A415
    Comparative Animal Physiology
    BIOL A417
    Applied Kinesiology and Exercise Physiology
    BIOL A419
    Sleep and Chronobiology
    BIOL A452
    Human Genome
    BIOL A455
    Experiential Learning: Bioinformatics
    BIOL A461
    Molecular Biology
    BIOL A463
    Molecular Biology of Cancer
    BIOL A465
    Experiential Learning: Molecular Biology
    BIOL/CHEM A471
    BIOL A487
    Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates
    BIOL A490
    Selected Lecture Topics in Biology
    BIOL A490L
    Selected Laboratory Topics in Biology
    BIOL A495A
    Internship in the Biological Sciences
    BIOL A498
    Individual Research
    BIOM A418
    Human Gross Anatomy
    CHEM A312
    Quantitative Analysis
    CHEM A322
    Organic Chemistry II
    CHEM A323L
    Organic Chemistry Laboratory
    CHEM A411
    Biophysical Chemistry
    CHEM A442
    Principles of Biochemistry II
    CHEM A443
    Biochemistry Laboratory
    CHEM A498
    Individual Research
    MBIO A342
    Experiential Learning: Microbial Biology 3
    MBIO A410
    Microbial Physiology
    MBIO A460
    Host-Microbiome Interactions
    MBIO A462
    MBIO A470
    Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Disease
    Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
    Social Sciences
    Complete a minimum of 15 credits from the following:
    ANTH A101
    Introduction to Anthropology
    ANTH A205
    Biological Anthropology
    ANTH A452
    Culture and Human Biodiversity
    ANTH A455
    Culture and Health
    ANTH A490
    Selected Topics in Anthropology
    ECON A101
    Principles of Microeconomics
    ECON A102
    Principles of Macroeconomics
    HS A210
    Introduction to Environmental Health
    HS A220
    Introduction to Population Health Sciences
    HS A230
    Introduction to Global Health
    HS A326
    Introduction to Epidemiology
    HS A370
    Social and Cultural Determinants of Health
    HS A492
    Senior Seminar: Contemporary Health Policy
    KIN A383
    Movement Theory and Motor Development
    KIN A384
    Cultural and Psychological Aspects of Health and Physical Activity
    PHIL A302
    Biomedical Ethics
    PSY A111
    Introduction to Psychology
    PSY A143
    Death and Dying
    PSY A150
    Lifespan Development
    PSY A200
    Introduction to Behavior Analysis
    PSY A260
    Statistics for Psychology
    PSY A260L
    Statistics for Psychology Lab
    PSY A261
    Research Methods in Psychology
    PSY A261L
    Research Methods in Psychology Laboratory
    PSY A316
    Motivation and Emotion
    PSY A345
    PSY A366
    Sensation and Perception
    PSY A367
    Cognitive Psychology
    PSY A368
    PSY A370
    Behavioral Neuroscience
    PSY A375
    Social Psychology
    PSY A398
    Individual Research
    PSY A400
    Strategies of Behavior Change
    PSY A412
    History of Psychology
    PSY A425
    Clinical Psychology
    PSY A428
    Evolutionary Psychology
    PSY A442
    Psychopathology of Childhood and Adolescence
    PSY A447
    Behavioral Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder
    PSY A450
    Adult Development and Aging
    PSY A455
    Interventions for Challenging Behavior
    PSY A485
    Health Psychology
    PSY A498
    Individual Research
    Math and Computational Skills
    Complete a minimum of 9 credits from the following:
    MATH A221
    Applied Calculus for Managerial and Social Sciences
    or MATH A251
    Calculus I
    or MATH A251F
    F.A.T. Calculus I
    MATH A252
    Calculus II
    or MATH A252F
    F.A.T. Calculus II
    MATH A253
    Calculus III
    MATH A261
    Introduction to Discrete Mathematics
    MATH A265
    Fundamentals of Mathematics
    MATH A302
    Ordinary Differential Equations
    MATH A305
    Introduction to Geometries
    MATH A306
    Discrete Methods
    MATH A314
    Linear Algebra
    MATH A401
    Introduction to Real Analysis
    MATH A405
    Introduction to Abstract Algebra
    MATH A410
    Introduction to Complex Analysis
    MATH A432
    Partial Differential Equations
    MATH A498
    Individual Research
    STAT A253
    Applied Statistics for the Sciences
    or STAT A307
    Probability and Statistics
    STAT A308
    Intermediate Statistics for the Sciences
    STAT A402
    Scientific Sampling
    STAT A403
    Regression Analysis
    STAT A407
    Time Series Analysis

    If both CHEM A441 and MBIO A340 are taken, one will count as the required course and the other will count as a natural sciences elective.


    Students may not apply BIOL A240 and MBIO A340 toward their natural sciences electives. 


    Students may not apply BIOL A240L and MBIO A342 toward their natural sciences electives.

    A minimum of 120 credits is required for the degree, of which 39 must be upper-division.

Minor in Neuroscience (New!)

This interdepartmental/multidisciplinary minor is designed to give students a foundation in the many different fields of neuroscience. This minor takes an integrative approach to prepare students for careers in neuroscience in order to meet workforce demands within academia, medicine, industry, government and legal services.

A total of 18 Credits is required for the minor.

Students who wish to minor in neuroscience must complete the following requirements:

Complete two of the following:6
Behavioral Endocrinology 1
Neurophysiology 1
PSY A370
Behavioral Neuroscience 1
Complete 12 credits from the following: 2, 312
Biological Anthropology
ATA A331
Human Factors in Aviation
ATP A433
Aerospace Physiology
BA A490A
Current Topics in Business (BA A490A Artificial Intelligence with Business Applications) 4
BA A608
Artificial Intelligence with Business Applications
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
and Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lab
Principles of Genetics
Principles of Animal Physiology
Experiential Learning: Animal Physiology
Behavioral Endocrinology 1
Neurophysiology 1
Sleep and Chronobiology
Human Genome
Individual Research
Senior Thesis
Principles of Biochemistry I
Principles of Biochemistry II
Individual Research
KIN A383
Movement Theory and Motor Development
KIN A384
Cultural and Psychological Aspects of Health and Physical Activity
Microbial Biology
Mind and Machines
PSY A316
Motivation and Emotion
PSY A345
PSY A366
Sensation and Perception
PSY A367
Cognitive Psychology
PSY A370
Behavioral Neuroscience
PSY A398
Individual Research
PSY A428
Evolutionary Psychology
PSY A468
Learning and Behavior
Learning and Behavior Laboratory
PSY A498
Individual Research

Only two of BIOL A412BIOL A413, and PSY A370 can count toward the required credits. The other course may be taken as an elective. Each course can only count toward the required or elective credits but not both. 


In combined total, no more than 6 credits of BIOL and MBIO can count toward the 12 elective credits required for the minor. No more than 6 credits of PSY can count toward the 12 elective credits required for the minor.


In combined total, up to 3 credits in BIOL A498, BIOL A499, CHEM A498, PSY A398, PSY A498 or PSY A499 can count toward the 12 elective credits for the minor. Research and/or thesis must be in a relevant topic with the approval of the neuroscience minor committee.


Students may apply a different selected topics course in a relevant topic with the approval of the neuroscience minor committee.

A minimum of 18 credits is required for the minor, of which 6 must be upper-division.

For more information regarding this minor, please contact Dr. Christopher Jung.

The Occupational Endorsement Certificate in Fermentation Science prepares students for careers in the commercial production of fermented foods and beverages. Students gain the skills and knowledge necessary for successful entry-level employment in the industry through hands-on training and coursework.

Admission Requirements Special Considerations
  • Students should be aware that BIOL A395 is required, which is a supervised internship.
  • Requires students to be 21 years or older in order to complete the required internship and enroll in certain required courses.
Graduation Requirements
BIOL A102Introductory Biology3
BIOL A103Introductory Biology Laboratory1
BIOL A110Survey of Brewing and Fermentation Science2
BIOL A395Internship in Fermentation Sciences 13
CA A104Sanitation2
CA A114Beverage Management 13
MBIO A200Experiential Learning in Fermentation Science2
MBIO A251Microbiology of Fermented Foods and Beverages2
Complete 9 credits from the following: 29
BA A151
Business Foundations
BA A166
Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
BA A231
Fundamentals of Supervision
BA A241
Business Law I
BA A280
Managerial Communications
BA A300
Organizational Theory and Behavior
Computer Concepts in Business
CA A490
Current Topics in Food and Hospitality 3
Introduction to General Chemistry
Introduction to General Chemistry Laboratory
Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry
Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry Laboratory
Fundamentals of Oral Communication
HA A105
Introduction to Hospitality Administration
HA A405
Hospitality Leadership and Ethics
JPC A362
Principles of Strategic Communications
Applied College Algebra
College Algebra for Calculus
College Physics I
College Physics I Laboratory
RH A101
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning I
RH A122
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning II
Writing Across Contexts

Must be aged 21 years or older by first day of class.


Some electives have prerequisites that must be satisfied before a student can register while other electives do not.


A maximum of 3 credits in CA A490 may be applied toward this certificate.

A minimum of 27 credits is required for the degree.

 * Courtesy of Camai Cassey, M.B.A, JCTC, JCDC; Cook Inlet Tribal Council, Inc.
 * Courtesy of Laura Williams Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Providence College