Student Opportunities
There are many possibilities for students to engage in physics projects at UAA--usually for credit, sometimes for cash, always for fun! The Physics A498 course allows students to earn from 1 to 6 credits working with UAA faculty members who do research in astronomy, astrophysics, neutrino physics, nonlinear dynamics, particle physics, and plasma physics/fusion energy. Also, there is always a demand for people who would like to help create new physics lecture demonstrations. If you are interested, talk to your favorite faculty member about the possibilites.
Society of Physics Students
The Society of Physics Students aims to encoursge interest in physics at UAA. Through
lectures, seminars, hands on projects, and other activities, SPS facilitates camaraderie and cooperation between members
and fosters their individual academicgrowth. Membership is open to all undergraduate
students who express an interest in physics.
- Volunteering for the physics department and planetarium.
- Commiserating with fellow science majors over your terrible calculus professor or why we have to take not-physics/math classes.
- Stargazing in unreasonalby cold weather.
- Weekly academic discussions and student presentations on cureent physics research, ranging from astrophysics to condensed matter.
- Whatever else we come up with while avoiding homework.
To participate in and keep track of upcoming events you can...
- Email us!: