
Solicitations and Fundraising at UAA

The UA Foundation’s Fund & Gift Services Team wants to remind employees of the services and resources available through the UA Foundation.

Selkregg Award request for proposals (RFPs) due March 7

The Selkregg Community Engagement & Service Learning Award of $5,000 supports faculty to develop community-based research, creative activity and course-based service-learning projects.

Education Abroad application open until March 1

Education Abroad is an opportunity for UAA students to study abroad or participate in an internship or service learning experience in another country while still receiving academic credit towards their UAA degree.

College of Health Night at the Game, Feb. 22

The Seawolf basketball teams will play a doubleheader during the College of Health (COH) Night presented by Premera.

PWSC will host Sea Kayaking Symposium, May 9-12

Prince William Sound College (PWSC) will host a Sea Kayaking Symposium In Valdez from May 9 - 12.

Registration to walk with UAA in the Rondy Grand Parade due Feb. 19

Students and employees can show their Green and Gold pride by registering to walk with UAA students, alumni, faculty and staff in the Saturday, Feb. 22 Fur Rondy Grand Parade. Clubs, groups, athletic teams and individuals are all invited to attend. Registration for individuals and groups is due by Wednesday, Feb. 19.

Clay Body 'Pop Up' Valentines sale, Feb. 13

UAA Ceramics Claybody Club will host a 'Pop Up' Valentines sale on Thursday, Feb. 13.

Hiring: TRIO student team leader (summer program)

TRIO Programs is looking to hire multiple Team Leaders for the summer programming.

Union of Students (USUAA) seeks student delegates

UAA holds great potential, but this potential can only flourish with the active participation of its students. USUAA, the student government, is currently seeking two delegates from each college to represent the colleges and their respective student bodies.

I-Scream Appreciation Station

The Office of Development invites students to visit the I-Scream Appreciation Station to record a "thank you" video to all UAA donors who give to scholarships, programs, student organizations and more. The station will be open on Feb. 12, Feb. 19 and Feb. 26.

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