Professor Landry Signé published two peer-reviewed articles on African political and economic development

by Michelle Saport  |   

Political Science Professor Landry Signé has recently published two peer-reviewed articles on African political and economic development.

Last week, he received the complementary author copy of the article released by the official journal of the Quebec Society of Political Science, Revue Politique et Sociétés (Vol. 33, Issue 3, 2014: 131-53), titled "Intérêts, stratégies des acteurs et innovation politique en Afrique (Interests, Strategies of Actors and Policy Innovation in Africa)." How and when do interests (strategic variables) explain the process by which development policies and strategies emerge in Africa? Professor Signé offers an original contribution to the political science literature by proposing an innovative theoretical framework and by empirically analyzing the role played by African leaders' interests and strategies in the emergence of development strategies.

The second peer-reviewedarticle has been published by the Innovation Journal, listed "as one of the ten best public administration sites on the world wide web by both the Australian Public Administration Association and the American Society for Public Administration." The article is titled, "Idées, intérêts, institutions et innovations politiques en Afrique (Ideas, Interests, Institutions and Political Innovation in Africa)" and appears in Vol. 19, Issue 2, 2014. The article proposes a new comparative analysis of the role of ideational, strategic, temporal and institutional variables in explaining the behaviors of international, regional and national actors in the emergence and trajectories of development strategies in Africa, summarizing the findings of his forthcoming book.

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