Feb. 26, 2015: 'Killing Us Softly IV: Advertising's Image of Women'
by Michelle Saport |
Two showings: Thursday, Feb. 26, 6 p.m. Rasmuson Hall, Room 110
Thursday, Feb. 26, 7:30 p.m. Rasmuson Hall, Room 110
In recognition of Body Image Awareness Week, the Student Health and Counseling Center is hosting three screenings of "Killing Us Softly IV: Advertising's Image of Women." The film was created and written by Jean Kilbourne, who has worked toward increasing media literacy for more than 30 years. Kilbourne is internationally recognized for her groundbreaking work on the image of women in advertising and for her critical studies of alcohol and tobacco advertising.
Learn more about the film at jeankilbourne.com/videos.