Great Alaska Shakeout 2016

by Michelle Saport  |   

20161020-great-alaska-shakeoutOn Thursday 10/20 at 10:20 a.m. UAA will be participating in the Great Alaska Shakeout earthquake exercise. By physically practicing in advance the right things to do during a major earthquake, it is believed you'll be best prepared to keep yourself safe when the real thing happens. If you are in a building on campus at 10:20 a.m., you will hear a speakerphone announcement to Drop, Cover, and Hold On. UAA Emergency Manager Ron Swartz asks that you take the exercise seriously and drop to the floor, get under a sturdy table or chair, and hold onto it. Potentially millions of people will be participating in the drill across the country at 10:20 a.m. on 10/20. For more information, go to

This will also be a test of our emergency paging system, using only the UAA Cisco telephone speakers. You will NOT get redundant alerts by cell phone, email, or other means.

Creative Commons License "Great Alaska Shakeout 2016" is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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