Jan. 23, 2017: Will Alaska thrive under a Trump presidency?
by Michelle Saport |
Regardless if you are terrified or ecstatic about Donald Trump's election, many questions are left to be answered about the impact his administration will have on Alaska. Will Arctic oil and trade become more of a priority? Will our state have to adapt to new changes in healthcare?
Seawolf Debate, Alaska Dispatch News and Bear Tooth Theatrepub present: "Alaska Will Thrive Under a Trump Presidency," a public debate about the future of our state. This debate will take place on Monday, Jan. 23, at 5:30 p.m. at the Bear Tooth (1230 W. 27th Ave.).
Tickets are now on sale online at the Bear Tooth website and in person at the Bear Tooth box office.
Representing the Pro side will be Jim Crawford, chair of the Trump campaign in Alaska. He'll face John Havelock, former attorney general for the State of Alaska and columnist for the ADN. Mr. Crawford and Mr. Havelock will be paired with a student from the Seawolf Debate team to make up a partnership for the debate.
This debate is part of an ongoing series called Arguing Alaska, an initiative started by the Seawolf Debate Program and Alaska Dispatch News to promote positive community discourse on topics of extreme policy importance to the Alaskan community. Debates occur between members of the community, such as policymakers, academics and specialists.
Proceeds from the tickets of each event go to support the Seawolf Debate Program and its robust commitment to service and competitive excellence. Learn more at seawolfdebate.com.