June 20, 2017 budget status update from Chancellor Case
by Michelle Saport |
Dear UAA Community,
Last Friday the Alaska Legislature ended its special session without passing an FY18 operating budget for the state. Governor Walker immediately called a second special session that began Friday afternoon. Though the fiscal year doesn't begin until July 1, without an approved budget, the university must create a contingency plan for the possibility of a budget impasse. Core to the university's constitutional mission is student instruction; the university will continue to offer classes regardless of FY18 budget status. Externally funded research will also continue.
The university is in uncharted territory, but we are planning for a variety of scenarios. If you haven't already done so, please read President Johnsen's recent messages on the budget (June 16 update / June 20 update). Because the situation is evolving, we will have a number of ways for you to stay informed:
- UA Board of Regents, special meeting
- Thursday, June 22 at 9 a.m - alaska.edu/bor
- UAA Town Hall meeting on the FY18 budget
- Friday, June 23, 2 p.m. in the Wendy Williamson Auditorium
- Livestream on the web: kaltura.com/tiny/1qt1g
- Listen in via audio-conference: 866-832-7806; participant PIN 7839101
- View Town Hall PowerPoint Slides
- The Capitol Report by UA's Miles Baker: alaska.edu/state/report
- Gavel to Gavel on 360 North: 360north.org
I know that living with budget uncertainty is incredibly difficult. I encourage you to bring questions and concerns forward for discussion at Friday's Town Hall meeting (http://www.kaltura.com/tiny/1qt1g OR 866-832-7806; participant PIN 7839101). You may also email questions in advance to uaa_chancellor@alaska.edu.
With gratitude for all you do,
Tom Case Chancellor