Staff Council updates for July 2018
by Michelle Saport |
UAA Staff Council update July 12, 2018 Meeting
Guest speaker Kathy Craft, College of Heath, Associate Dean for Planning, Development and Partnerships
As a new position that is at home in Fairbanks and visits twice a month in Anchorage, visits other campuses and communities throughout Alaska, Kathy keeps very busy! Her role is planning and developing programs for the future of health professions to meet the needs of the state and in creating partnerships that benefit communities, organizations, Alaskans, health profession careers and the state as a whole. What is the goal of this position? The goal is to help fill needed positions throughout the state and to fill those positions with people from their home communities and from Alaska. Healthcare needs are growing in many fields, including nursing assistants and dental hygienist to name a few. There is a lot of work being done to meet the needs of the state and we look forward to having Kathy back with an update in the near future.
Staff Council officers for FY19 Leadership officers for FY19 are:
- Brenda Levesque, Co-President (last year of 2-year term)
- John Moore, Co-President (1st year of 2-year term)
- Romanie Roach, Co-Vice President (1st year of 2-year term)
- Kendra Conroy, Co-Vice President (1st year of 2-year term)
- Ryan Hill, Ex-Officio Past Co-President
Staff Council retreat The annual Staff Council Retreat will be taking place on Thursday, Aug. 2, Gorsuch Commons, Room 107, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. There will be a system-wide governance presentation provided by Morgan Dufseth, governance executive officer, from University of Alaska Statewide. We plan to have UAA's new vice chancellor of administrative services, Beverly Shuford, as one of our guest speakers. The remaining time, council members will review goals from 2018 to determine which goals have been met, which have not and which ones (along with any new ones) we need to focus on for FY19. We will then break into internal committee groups and determine individual committee goals, whether it be one major goal or three smaller goals.
If any staff member would like to see the FY18 goals and/or have recommendations for FY19, please let us know with an email to
Staff Council nominations needed There are now three new Staff Council seats open with changes that often come about with job changes or family obligations. We would like these new members to be able to attend the retreat on Aug. 2. Submit nominations here by July 20, 2018.
More about UAA Staff Council meetings Copies of meeting agendas and reports are always available on the UAA Staff Council website.
Next Staff Council meeting: Thursday, Sept. 6, 2018, 9:30-11:30 p.m., UAA/APU Consortium Library, Room 302