Design a mini-park for UAA Park(ing) Day—registration ends Aug. 31, 2018
by Michelle Saport |
What is Park(ing) Day? UAA Parking Services has teamed up with Anchorage Parks and Recreation to celebrate the 2018 Park(ing) Day. Park(ing) Day is an annual, global event held the third Friday of September. Citizens, artists and activists collaborate to temporarily transform parking spots into "Park(ing)" spaces. This event is open to all students, clubs, staff and faculty, and will be located on the first level of the Engineering Parking Garage. Twenty spaces will be available, so grab your friends, coworkers or other club members and sign up today!
Simply fill out the application with information about your Park(ing) design, lead contact person, desired location, and a diagram of your parklet. Once you have submitted your Park(ing) Day Anchorage application and have received approval, gather your team to prepare materials, build, hang out in and tear down your parklet on the day of the event. You will be responsible for funding the construction of your own parklet, so be creative in your design and use.
Sign up here by Friday, Aug. 31.