Fall 2018: Evacuation drills scheduled on Main Campus

by shayne  |   

Evacuation drills of academic and office buildings on the Anchorage campus will take place throughout the week of Sept. 17-21.  When the horns, strobe lights, and bells activate, please leave the building quickly using the nearest exit and proceed to the outdoor Emergency Assembly Area (EAA).

As in true emergency events, do not use elevators and wait at the EAA until officials have turned off the alarm. Those in a wheelchair are allowed to wait on the stairwell landing of the floor they're on when the alarm begins.

Drill staff will be going through classrooms, lab and office space to ensure that alarm hardware is functioning. As soon as all areas have been checked and all occupants have vacated, the alarm will be silenced.

These drills help UAA conform with federal requirements to test emergency response plans. Your cooperation and patience are appreciated.

Contact the Office of Emergency Management with questions before or after the drill, at 786-1149.

Creative Commons License "Fall 2018: Evacuation drills scheduled on Main Campus" is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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