AI&e secures Open Educational Resources grant for UAA
by Michelle Saport |
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Institute of Food and Agriculture awarded UAA an Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian Grant to support the Alaska Open Education Initiative.
The Alaska Open Education Initiative is a joint project between Academic Innovations & eLearning and the UAA/APU Consortium Library focused on increasing retention rates for Alaska Native students and decreasing "DFW" rates in high-enrollment courses in the food, agriculture, natural and human science fields. The two-year $474,908 grant will support hiring an Open Educational Resource (OER) Librarian and two student workers to assist faculty in developing no-to-low textbook cost courses, will create and develop an OER-focused professional development program for faculty, and an OER-based leadership and advocacy training curriculum for students.
AI&e would like to thank the Student Success subcommittee on Textbook Affordability and especially, Dr. Veronica Howard, who has been instrumental in advocating for Open Educational Resources here at UAA.
For more information, please contact Dr. David Dannenberg, Academic Innovations and eLearning, at 786-4496 or email