Campus Climate Committee call for members

by Michelle Saport  |   

The UAA Campus Climate Committee is charged with assessing campus climate on issues ranging from sexual violence awareness and prevention, gender equity education, and campus culture/climate assessment and action. The FY20 UAA Campus Climate Committee is led by tri-chairs: Sara Childress, Director of Equity and Compliance and Title IX Coordinator; Kim Morton, Director of Student Life and Leadership; and Bruce Schultz, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.

According to Paul Landen, chair of the Campus Climate Committee last year, "LGBTQ+ students, faculty and staff are simply invisible at UAA. LGBTQ+ students feel as if there is no place for them. We as an institution do not talk about LGBTQ+ issues. That needs to change, and we encourage the Chancellor and Cabinet to take the lead in changing that." With that as it's charge, this year the committee is focused on increasing supports and visibility for LGBTQ+ students, faculty and staff. Our goals are to continue to create inclusive environments for all students on campus.

Students, faculty and staff are invited to volunteer to serve on one of the following four work teams:

  1. Strengthen the on-campus presence and awareness of LGBTQ+ community resources and agencies and encouraging campus partners to collaborate with these groups
  2. Guide existing student programs and service providers to develop welcoming and deliberate information specific to LGBTQ+ students and serving as a resource to the programs
  3. Provide education and training opportunities for faculty and staff on LGBTQ+ concerns
  4. Guide existing campus programming units to develop intentional activities and programs of particular interest to LGBTQ+ students

If you are interested in serving on one of these four work teams, please email We are excited to bring staff, faculty and students together to work on creating more support for LGBTQ+ students on campus.

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