Oct. 17, 2019: Fitness in Self-Defense — Free and open to all
by Michelle Saport |
UAA's Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation and Legacy Jiu-Jitsu are collaborating to host a Fitness in Self-Defense class to promote the university initiative of Exercise is Medicine On-Campus.
Fitness in Self-Defense Thursday, Oct. 17, 5:30-7 p.m. Seawolf Sports Complex, Gym
Join us for this free event to learn basic self-defense techniques from the passionate and knowledgeable instructors from Legacy Jiu-Jitsu while improving your fitness and having fun with our HPER students. This event is to promote Exercise is Medicine Month and Domestic Violence Awareness Action Month. UAA is a registered Exercise is Medicine Campus and is recognized and awarded silver level status for our efforts of promoting health and fitness for the UAA community. UAA recently shared their summary of the 2019 Campus Climate Survey, which showed a high percentage of UAA students who have experienced sexual harassment/assault, dating violence, and stalking here on campus. Our response to this is to provide students with the knowledge and education to handle stressful situations with others as well as build their confidence in using that knowledge when necessary.Free and open to anyone affiliated with UAA as well as the community - bring your friends and family!
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