Celebrating Elizabeth Kaaxal.gat Peratrovich

by Sean Parnell, UAA Chancellor  |   

Dear UAA Community,

In 1945, Elizabeth Kaaxal.gat Peratrovich stepped onto the floor of the Alaska State Senate and delivered a powerful speech that challenged lawmakers to recognize and fight the discriminatory treatment of Alaska Natives in our state.

Peratrovich’s historic speech moved the hearts and minds of lawmakers and spurred the votes needed to pass the landmark Anti-Discrimination Act of 1945. The legislation was the first anti-discrimination law enacted in the Alaska territory and the United States.

Today, we celebrate Peratrovich’s enduring legacy by continuing her advocacy of equity and justice for Alaska Natives and historically resilient groups in our state. I encourage you to learn more about Elizabeth Kaazal.gat Peratrovich and Alaska Native history.

As a university, we continue to honor Peratrovich and her courageous work in our efforts to be welcoming and inclusive of the diverse groups represented within our campus community.

Sean Parnell
UAA Chancellor

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