Robert J. Boeckmann

- Ph.D. May 1996 - Department of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley ;
- MA. May 1993 - Department of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley ;
- BA. May 1990 - Psychology, University of California, Berkeley.
Teaching Responsibilities
- Statistics for Psychology
- Personality Psychology
- Social Psychology
- Independent Research
- Senior/Honor Thesis
- Conducting Research in Psychology
- Social Psychology of Justice
- Research Methods
- Quantitative Methods in Psychology
Professional & Department Service
- Australian Journal of Psychology
- British Journal of Social Psychology
- European Journal of Social Psychology
- GroupDynamics: Theory Research & Practice
- Journal of Applied Social Psychology
- Journal of Social Issues
- Psychology Public Policy and Law
- Psychology of Women Quarterly
- Sex Roles
- Social Justice Research
- Citizens Advisory Board- McLaughlin Youth Center
- Media (TV, Radio, Newspaper) Consultant on issues relevant to a wide range of Social Psychology Topics
- Consult with members of the public on a variety of issues on an ad hoc basis
- Present psychology lectures to local high school students
- Volunteer Judge for Science Fairs in Anchorage School District
- Volunteer Debate Judge for Debate Competitions in Anchorage School District
- Volunteer Alaska Native Oratory Society Judge
- Volunteer in elementary school math classes
Recent (2002-2013) Administrative Responsibilitie
Active and Engaged Membership in the following:
- Undergraduate Studies Committee (elected chair for 2005-2011 years)
- Adjunct Faculty Applicant Review committee (2008-ongoing)
- Joint Ph.D. Program Development Committee (2003-2005)
- Joint Ph.D. Program Curriculum Development Sub-committee (2004-2005)
- Joint Ph.D. Program Technology Infrastructure Sub-committee (2004-2006)
- Vice Provost's task force on IDEA evaluation transition/including response rate issues.
- Institutional Review Board (since September 2003) (Co-Chair of committee in 2008 – 2014) member 2012-14)
- Faculty Senate – Senator for Social Sciences (2003-2010)
- Faculty Senate President Elect (2011-12); Acting President (2012-2013); Faculty Alliance Chair (2013-2014)
- College of Arts and Sciences Peer Review Committee Member (2009 - 2012)
- Faculty Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Evaluator Training (Chair 2012-2014)
- Faculty Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Research and Creative Activity (2012-2013)
- Faculty Senate Ad Hoc Committee to Improve UAA's Research Culture
- Faculty Evaluator for Student Showcase (2011)
- Faculty Senate Diversity Committee (2003-2010, elected co-chair for 2005-2008-years)
- Member of Committee to organize Alaska Civil Rights Day activities on campus.
- Member of Diversity Action Council (2007-2011)
- Member of Library Advisory Committee (2009-2011)
- Member National Coalition Building Institute UAA Leadership Team
- Awards Selection Committee for the Behavioral Sciences of the North Conference. (occasional)
Research Interests
- Social Justice
- Social Identity
- Value Discrepancy and the Legitimacy of Legal Authorities
- Entitlement and Deserving Perceptions, Collective Guilt and Affirmative Action
- Victim's Reaction to Hate Speech and Racism
- Equity Evaluations in Adult Relationships
- Cultural Disruption, Community Functioning, and Behavioral Health in Alaska Native Communities
Compton, D., Blumer, M. C., & Boeckmann, R. J. (2011). Review of 'Alice in wonderland' movie. Journal ofFeminist Family Therapy: An International Forum, 23(1), 54-59. doi:10.1080/08952833.2011.548707
Shepler, D. A., Lupfer-Johnson, G., Chaudoir, S., & Boeckmann, R.J. (2011). That community becomes you? An examination of community differences in self-objectification and related variables. The Journal of General Psychology , 138(3) 1-16.
Boeckmann, R. J. & Feather, N. T. (2007). Gender, discrimination beliefs, group-based guilt, and responses to affirmative action for Australian women. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 31, 290-304.
Feather, N. T., & Boeckmann, R. J. (2007). Beliefs about gender discrimination in the workplace in the context of affirmative action: Effects of gender and ambivalent attitudes in an Australian sample. Sex Roles, 57(1-2),31-42.
Strelan, P. & Boeckmann, R. J. (2006). Why drug testing in elite sport does not work: Perceptual deterrence theory and the role of personal moral beliefs. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 36,2909-2934.
Pidd, K., Boeckmann, R. J., & Morris, M. (2006). Adolescents in transition: The role of workplace alcohol and other drug policies as prevention strategy. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy. 13(4), 353-365.
Strelan, P., & Boeckmann, R. J. (2003). A new model for understanding performance-enhancing drug use by elite athletes. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 15(2),176-183.
Boeckmann, R. J., & Tyler, T. R. (2002). Trust, Respect, and the Psychology of Political Engagement. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 32, 2067-2088.
Boeckmann, R. J., & Liew, J.C. (2002) Hate Speech: Asian American Evaluations and Justice Judgments. Journal of Social Issues, 58, 363-381.
Boeckmann, R. J., & Turpin-Petrosino, C. (2002) Introduction and overview: Understanding the harm of Hate Crime. Journal of Social Issues, 58, 207-225.