March 2014 Archive

Alumni Spotlight: Jon Bittner

Jonathan Bittner

He’s co-founded an inventor’s guild, organized ‘hackathons’ for computer programmers and brought Frisbee-throwing robots to the front lawn of the library. Jon Bittner has ideas for the economic future of Anchorage and, after hearing his contributions and absorbing his enthusiasm, it’s fairly surprising he hadn’t been named to Alaska’s “Top Forty Under 40” before.

Training Alaska to better understand and prevent FASD

Becky Porter

The cost of excessive alcohol consumption in Alaska is staggering. A CDC-funded regional training center here at UAA is helping health care providers and communities better understand and prevent fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in Alaska.

Debating Yale, a guide

Seawolf Yale Debaters

On Thursday, March 20, UAA debaters Brittany Bennett and Matthew Stinson will belly up to the podium for an exhibition debate with Yale's Sam Ward-Packard and Sesenu Woldemariam. Learn more about the teams and the debate on the new UAA-Yale Debate blog.

Chelimo grabs fourth national title


UAA's Micah Chelimo is once again an NCAA champion runner! He grabbed first place in the 3,000-meter and second in the 5,000-meter at the NCAA Div. II Indoor Championships in North Carolina last weekend. Congratulations, Micah!

Alaska Native Studies Conference aims to transform UA system


Thesis Defense: Sherry Wolf, M.S. candidate in nursing science - April 8, 2014


What I Did With My Biological Sciences Degree: 'From the phylogenetics of deep sea bacteria to environmental science in the Arctic' - March 27, 2014


Commuter Student Appreciation Week: Enjoy free food and catch March Madness, March 17-21


Kick Butts Day: Have a banana sundae and learn about a smoke-free UAA


Anthropology thesis defense by Kevin Bartley, March 21


March Archive