March 10, 2014: Deadline to apply for UAA Technology Fellows cohort
by Michelle Saport |
UAA Academic Innovations & eLearning is proud to host the annual Technology Fellows Program. The 2014 cohort focus is on student-centered course design strategies and ePortfolio development.
These exceptional faculty and staff members are chosen from many applicants using a rigorous application process. Technology Fellows integrate technology to support teaching and learning, and serve as mentors to colleagues. Technology Fellows is a two-year program, with the second year dedicated to mentoring the next cohort.
The deadline to apply for a place in the 2014 cohort is 5 p.m. on Monday, March 10.
All fellows will be required to attend a weeklong iTeach Intensive, May 12-16. Course delivery will use a blended learning environment: two days online instruction and three days face-to-face instruction.
Click here to apply and learn more. A copy of the Technology Fellows 2014 Call for Applicants flyer is available here.