April 2018 Archive

General Support Services closing early for departmental training May 17


Matt Curley named head hockey coach


UAA earns Tree Campus USA distinction for ninth year in a row

A cow moose and her calf browse in front of UAA's Fine Arts Building.

UAA has achieved the Tree Campus USA designation again for the ninth year in a row. The Tree Campus USA program, now in its 10th year, honors colleges and universities and their leaders for promoting healthy trees and engaging students and staff in the spirit of conservation.

April 19-20, 2018: Provide feedback on procurement of new UA-wide video conferencing system

UA is looking to update its video conferencing system. Attend an April 2018 listening session to learn about the options and provide feedback.

April 20, 2018: Jenn Zahrt presents 'Cultural Astrology: A Brief History of Interpreting Meaning in the Sky' at UAA Planetarium

When you read the word astrology, dubious newspaper horoscopes often come to mind first. Yet, every human culture on earth, past and present, has used the sky to create significance for their societies—religious, political, clerical. This April 20, 2018 talk by Jenn Zahrt will explore the various ways cultures have interpreted celestial phenomena to make meaningful sense of the world around them.

April 11-20, 2018: Open forums with candidates for Residence Coordinator position

The Department of Residence Life invites the UAA community to participate in Residence Coordinator open forums. Open forums with the four finalists will occur April 11-20, 2018.

'Rain and Zoe Save the World' plays on the UAA Mainstage through April 29, 2018


"Rain and Zoe Save the World" is coming to the UAA Mainstage Theatre April 20–29, 2018 as part of the Earth Matters on Stage Symposium.

April 20, 2018: Show your Seawolf pride by wearing Green & Gold


Summer 2018 Orientation Leader application re-opened—closes April 22, 2018


Faculty, please RSVP for spring commencement ceremonies by April 27, 2018

Faculty, you are invited to participate in UAA’s Spring 2018 Graduate Degree Hooding and Commencement ceremonies. Please RSVP by April 27, 2018.

April Archive