Faculty Advisors


When do I see my Faculty Advisor? 

Once you achieve full major status, you will work directly with a Faculty Advisor who is an expert in your selected engineering, computer science, or geomatics discipline. They will help you choose classes which match your interests and career goals, and help connect you with leading industry partners and internship/job opportunities.


I have successfully completed...

CE  ES A209: Statics
CSCE CSCE A201 & Lab: Computer Programming 1
EE EE A203: Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 
GEO currently taking or have completed GIS A101 or GEO A156
ME ES A209: Statics

Who is my Faculty Advisor? 

Engineering Faculty Advisors are assigned by student's major and last name. Select your major from the tabs below, and find your advisor, listed according to the first letter of your last name.



Contact info


Office Hours

Zoom Link

New Enrollment Advising Center (907) 786-1878 uaa_coengdesk@alaska.edu    
A-B Osama Abaza (907) 786-6117, EIB 301L oabaza@alaska.edu

M 10-11:30am (in person) 

W 10-11:30am (in person)

R 10am-2pm (Zoom)

Other times by appointment

Email to request Zoom link
C-D Subhabrata Dev (907) 786-0515, EIB 301Q sdev@alaska.edu

MW 2-4pm

Email for in person meeting
E-H Utpal Dutta (907) 786-1952, EIB 301U udutta2@alaska.edu

M 1-2:30pm (in person) 

T 11:30am-1pm (in person) 

W 11:30am-1pm; 4-5pm (in person) 

R 1-3pm (in person) 

Email for other times

I-K Scott Hamel (907) 786-1070, EIB 301S sehamel@alaska.edu

M 2-3:30pm

W 3:30-5pm

Email to request Zoom link
  Wael Hassan (907) 786-1922, EIB 301W wmhassan@alaska.edu   Email to request Zoom link
L-Q Joey Yang (907) 786-6431, EIB 301N zyang2@alaska.edu MW 12-1pm Email for in person or Zoom meeting
R-S Tom Ravens (907) 786-1943, EIB 301P tmravens@alaska.edu TR 2-3pm (Zoom)                                           Zoom image
T-Z Vinod Vasudevan (907) 786-0311, EIB 301M vvasudevan@alaska.edu

M 2:30-3:30pm

W 9:30-11am

Email for in person or Zoom meeting at other times



Contact info


CSE - All students AND
CS - Aa through Am

Sebastian Neumayer (907) 786-6053, ECB 301G sjneumayer@alaska.edu
CS - An through Dz Kamran Siddique (907) 786 - 5460, ECB 308C ksiddique@alaska.edu
CS - Ea through Ke Pradeeban Kathiravelu (907) 786-0619, ECB 308G pkathiravelu@alaska.edu
CS - Ki through Pz Masoumeh Heidari 907-786-4819, ECB 308F mheidari2@alaska.edu
CS - Qa through Zz Frank Witmer (907) 786 - 1637, ECB 308B fwitmer@alaska.edu



Contact info


A-C Matthew Kupilik (907) 786-5468, EIB 409E mkupilik@alaska.edu
D-K Mohammad Heidari (907) 786-1960, EIB 409D mhkapourchali@alaska.edu
L-P Jens Munk (907) 786-7745, EIB 409B jmunk2@alaska.edu
Q-Z Todd Petersen (907) 786-1072, EIB 409D thpetersen@alaska.edu



Contact info


A-Z LuAnn Piccard (907) 786-1917, EIB 301X lpiccard2@alaska.edu
A-Z Roger Hull (907) 786-1923, EIB 301Y rkhull@alaska.edu



Contact info


A-H David Brock (907) 786-5428, ECB 302E dbrock7@alaska.edu
I-P Gennady Gienko (907) 786-1919, ECB 302D ggienko@alaska.edu
Q-Z Caixia Wang (907) 786-1804, ECB 302C cwang12@alaska.edu



Contact info


A-B Getu Hailu (907) 786-6366, ECB 301G ghailu@alaska.edu
C-D Oleg Shiryayev (907) 786 - 1104, ECB 301J oshiryayev@alaska.edu
E-G Raghu Srinivasan (907) 786-4815, ECB 301F rsrinivasan2@alaska.edu 
H-K Matt Cullin (907) 786-1038, ECB 301E mcullin@alaska.edu
L-O Nicolae Lobontiu (907) 786-1863, ECB 301L nlobontiu@alaska.edu
P-S Anthony Paris (907) 786-1912, ECB 301D ajparis@alaska.edu
T-Z Jifeng Peng (907) 786-6193, ECB 301H jpeng@alaska.edu

College of Engineering Graduate Advising

The College of Engineering offers the following Masters degree programs:

Students interested in the graduate programs should contact Keturah Costello at kfcostello@alaska.edu or by phone at (907) 786 - 1973 for more information.