302 - Travel

Community Campus Delegation 302: Travel


To establish the authority for approving travel.  


Board of Regents Regulation 05.02.06


Per Diem: The daily rate of payment to a traveler in lieu of reimbursement for actual costs of subsistence expenses including lodging and/or meals, tips and other incidental expenses incurred while traveling.Travel Administrator: Individual designated by the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services as the individual responsible for administration of the travel policies and procedures and corporate travel card issuance for UAA and the Community Campuses.


Delegation AuthorityIn-State Travel:The Directors/President have the authority to approve in-state travel for their employees under the following conditions:

  • All employees including the Directors/President must have their travel requests approved in advance by their supervisor.
  • Units must have the appropriate delegated travel signature authorizations on file.

In-state travel approval authority may be formally redelegated to lower levels; however, no individual can be delegated the authority to approve their own travel.
Out-of-State Travel:The Directors/President may approve out-of-state travel for the employees of their campuses. The out-of-state travel of the Directors/President must be approved by their supervisor.
International Travel:The Directors/President may approve international travel for the employees of their campuses. The international travel of the Directors/President must be approved by their supervisor.
Non-Employee Travel:Travel advance approval for non-employee travel is delegated to the Directors/President by the Travel Administrator.
Excess Per Diem: Reimbursement of actual costs for lodging in excess of 1.5 times the authorized per diem rate may be approved by the Directors/President. This authority has been delegated by the Travel Administrator.
Delegation CriteriaCompliance with Board of Regents Regulation 05.02.06.
ApplicabilityAll community campuses have the delegation authority for travel expressed in this policy unless special limits or requirements are set by the Vice Chancellor for Administration.

Effective: 10/25/2005