803 - Recruitment & Staffing

Community Campus Delegation 803: Recruitment & Staffing


To specify the community campus delegation authority and responsibilities for recruitment.  


Board of Regents Policy & Regulation 04.03.00
UAA Position Recruitment Process


Delegation Authority
The Directors/President may verify and approve the hire process for continuing term and regular positions. New regular positions must be approved by the Provost and/or Chancellor before any recruitment effort can be initiated. Emergency hires must be approved by UAA Human Resource Services.
The Directors/President have the authority and responsibility for their unit's adherence to the proper recruiting procedures and processes and to the Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity plan. Recruitment and employment decisions must assure that all persons have equal opportunities based solely upon their qualifications and demonstrated abilities or demonstrated potential abilities. Each unit must take affirmative efforts to recruit, employ and retain qualified members of those groups presently under-represented in the work force.
With the approval of UAA Human Resource Services, the Directors/President may provide a non-faculty vacancy as a promotional opportunity before recruiting from the general public. Direct appointment approval may be requested from UAA Human Resource Services where it can be demonstrated to be consistent with policies and regulations.
Delegation CriteriaAdherence to policy, regulation, and other requirements including:

  1. Knowledge and compliance with the requirements expressed in Board of Regents Regulation 04.03.00 including those for:
    1. Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity
    2. Vacancy announcements
    3. Screening and selection
    4. Documentation
    5. Special hiring categories
  2. Appointment of a local campus AA/EEO Officer who will report directly to the Director/President.
  3. Observing the responsibilities outlined in the UAA Affirmative Action Plan.
  4. Posting Affirmative Action/EEO objectives statement.

ApplicabilityAll community campuses have the delegation authority for recruitment expressed in this policy unless special limits or requirements are set by the Vice Chancellor for Administration.

Effective: 10/25/2005