
UAA historians play role in Anchorage's Centennial festivities

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If you love history, you love learning about Anchorage's early years. UAA history professors contributed support and expertise to Cook Inlet Historical Society's recent four-day symposium on the city's first 100 years. Next, they'll join in editing the symposium's companion volume.

Love of dance and anthropology takes her to Europe, thanks to Choreomundus scholarship

Elizabeth Robinson

If you ever wondered if your dreams were worth chasing, read Elizabeth Robinson's tale. This August she launches an academic chapter that fulfills her passion for dance and culture. It wasn't easy getting here, she says, but well worth the journey.

Project 49: Getting paid $165 a month? 'I thought that was pretty wonderful.'


In 1941, 29-year-old Beulah "Bee" Marrs boarded a ship to Alaska, a land she had long dreamed of seeing. It was supposed to be a summer vacation, but Bee found a job with Bristol Bay Air Service, found a home in "The Bee Hive" and organized USO dances and other activities for World War II servicemen.

Kids find their bliss at UAA summer engineering academies

engineering academies 5 2015

UAA summer engineering academies are underway again this year, offering Anchorage youths week-long fun ways to sample different varieties of sciences via robotics, coding, alternative energy, wing aerodynamics and structures.

Father-daughter lab partners


In honor of recent Father's Day, look back on the good times you shared with Dad—like, perhaps, completing a lab report. After inadvertently registering for the same biology class, father-daughter pair Mike and Mindy Graham ended up as lab partners. “I think a lot of people were puzzled by the way we interacted with each other," Mindy laughed.

Postcards Home from Japan: Day Two, Part One in Rikuzentakata


After the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, the Japanese town of Rikuzentakata is focusing on rebuilding their community to be easily accessible to elderly, visitors and disabled persons. UAA students worked with residents and Japanese students from Iwate University.

Throwing out 'cookbook science'


High school science teacher Debbra Brewer won a "Partners in Science" grant from the Murdock Charitable Trust. She's spent the summer doing research at UAA.

'She is this little bundle of energy'


Dr. Cindy Trussell grew up in New Hampshire but architecture, Australia, bird songs and biology brought her to Alaska's famed Emerald Isle to convey her love of biology, chemistry and nutrition to students at Kodiak College.

Postcards Home from China: Of pandas, bottled water and soft pillows


UAA journalism student Wesley Early tells it like it is in China, from lazy pandas to too few showers to the first soft pillow in days.

Around the world with ConocoPhillips

ConocoPhillips Supply Chain

Global supply chain students have an employment pipeline in Anchorage thanks to the strong intern relationship between UAA and ConocoPhillips Alaska. The oil company operates in 23 countries around the globe, and as part of the global supply chain, employees get the chance to move around quite a bit, too.

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