CAS Celebration of Students Program
Celebration of Students
Friday, April 22, 2022 | 3:00 PM | ConocoPhillips Integrated Science Building, 120
Download the CAS Celebration of Students Program
Danelle Shellikoff
Alaska Native Studies
Danelle Alaĝum Dakix Shellikoff asax̂takux̂. Unangax̂ ama Athabascan akux̂. Isanam
ama Grayling tanadgusii ilagaan angix̂takux̂. Danelle Shellikoff is Unangax̂ and Athabascan,
from the villages of False Pass and Grayling. Danelle Shellikoff obtained her General
Studies Associates in Fall of 2021. After the Spring 2022 semester, Danelle will receive
her Associates in Alaska Native Studies. Danelle is also currently in the process
of applying to the Bachelors of Science in Nursing program, with the goal of becoming
a registered nurse in her native community. Danelle is an excellent student, who pays
close attention to details and makes sure that she is present for class.
Christine Castro
Christine Castro is a senior at UAA pursuing her B.A. in Anthropology and a minor
in History. Castro is an exemplary student and has embraced opportunities to learn
about anthropology in both classroom and field settings. In 2020, she assisted with
the faunal analysis for the Chernofski Village Harbor Site in the Aleutian Islands
with Cultural Resource Consultants (CRC) in Anchorage. For the upcoming summer of
2022, she will be participating in her fourth season of archaeological data recovery
and survey for the Sterling Highway project. After graduating, Christine plans to
attend graduate school in Alaska, Washington, or British Columbia to continue her
studies in archaeology.

Lejonique Trim is enrolled in Beginning Wheelthrown Ceramics and Intermediate Handbuilt
Ceramics. She goes above and beyond in the research for her projects in both classes.
Lejonique is constantly experimenting and working on several pieces at a time. Three
of her pieces were included in the Hugh McPeck Gallery’s Clay Body Invitational Exhibition
in January 2022. Her perspective and attitude towards ceramics has helped to foster
a more engaging and dynamic studio community.

Ashlee Voorhis
Ashlee Voorhis is pursuing a B.A. in Biological Sciences with a minor in Geographic
Information Services while also working full time at the UAA/APU Consortium Library.
She has previously worked with Arctic ground squirrels in Dr. Duddleston’s lab at
UAA. A class that Ashlee is looking forward to taking is Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates,
which focuses on the evolutionary, ecological, and physiological implications of shared
organs in vertebrates. After graduation, she wants to use her degree to become a wildlife
biologist and to hopefully work for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game studying
the moose population in Alaska.

Jordyn McNeil is pursuing her degree in Biochemistry and has demonstrated academic
excellence in the classroom, in the laboratory, and in our UAA community. She is performing
high impact undergraduate research, mapping metabolic profiling of turtles subjected
to anoxic conditions to inform therapies for cardiac arrest and marine mussels exposed
to crude oil investigating oil spill remediation. Last summer, Jordyn worked on a
project for the US Coast Guard, investigating the toxicity of spilled crude oil and
methods for oil spill contingency plans. Jordyn is also active in Chemistry’s ACS
student chapter and Chemistry Club, representing as Treasurer.

Elsa Snodderly is pursuing her B.A. in English and has a deep love for literature,
which has only expanded through the course of her degree. While at UAA, Elsa has also
rediscovered her love of writing and has taken a minor in creative writing in hopes
of further developing that skill. After graduating, Elsa hopes to take the next steps
towards becoming a librarian so she may continue to share her love of literature with
her community.

Environmental Studies
Kellie Richmond is a junior pursuing a B.A. in Environment and Society with a social
concentration, and a minor in Geographic Information Services. Kellie’s appreciation
for the state’s diverse landscapes, wildlife, and culture only grows the more she
learns about it. She is interested in learning more about the use of this traditional
knowledge as a way to assist with conservation efforts and adaptation from climate
change. Last fall, Kellie worked for 61 North Environmental as a Protected Species
Observer to track and monitor the endangered Cook Inlet beluga whale population.

Preston Weeks
Geological Sciences
Preston Weeks is a junior pursuing a B.A. in Geological Sciences. Preston has an interest
in geology due to his hobby of rock collecting which began at a young age. He plans
on graduating in the Spring/Summer of 2023 and will begin the search for graduate
programs this fall to continue his education in geoscience. This summer Preston was
selected for an internship with Logic Geophysics & Analytics LLC, a geophysical consulting
firm based in Anchorage. Preston will receive on the job training in the use of geophysical
tools including ground-penetrating radar, seismic, GNSS, and resistivity.

Denile Ault is pursuing her degree in History. Since her return to UAA to finish her
degree, Denile has shown that she is a leader in course discussions- one who can both
answer and ask questions intelligently and articulately and whose demeanor and engagement
generates excitement among her peers. She is currently doing phenomenal work on an
oral history project that highlights issues of identity among Alaska Native traditional
healers on the 50th anniversary of ANCSA.

International Studies
Micah Nauls is seeking his degree in International Studies. According to his professors,
Micah is a gem to have in the class, he was a standout discussant, often sharing insights
far beyond his years. He was an engaged and responsive learner throughout the semester.
Micah was one of the top students in the PHIL 301 Ethics class in the fall. Micah
is affable, down to earth, well-rounded and civic-minded.

Journalism and Public Communications
Charlotte Flynn is pursuing her B.A. in Journalism and Public Communications. She
currently works as a research technician monitoring online health misinformation as
part of the Alaska Misinformation Response Project. Partnering with collaborators
at Yale University, Rutgers University and others, this project is the first of its
kind in the U.S. Charlotte has also worked as a public affairs intern for the First
Alaskans Institute with Alaska Airlines and served as a business development intern
and proposal coordinator for Bering Straits Native Corporation.

Ella Bryner is pursuing concurrent B.A. degrees in International Studies, Languages,
and Political Science. Her focus in the Department of Languages is Spanish. Ella has
been regularly participating in the student club, La Tertulia, and has sought important
leadership positions in UAA’s student government. Ella has been a member of the Model
UN on campus for several years. In addition to her academic pursuits and her participation
in UAA organizations, Ella also maintains an off-campus job. Ella plans to spend the
next academic year studying in Granada and Seville, Spain, where she plans to apply
all the knowledge she has learned at UAA to real-world experiences.

Mathematics and Statistics
Daniel Confalone is pursuing his degree in Mathematics, and has been an excellent
student in all his mathematics courses. Additionally, Daniel is a tutor in the math
lab. He has a very good reputation as a tutor, and is sought after by students in
lower division mathematics and statistics courses for help. Daniel is an energetic
and enthusiastic student of mathematics. He is currently applying to Research Experience
for Undergraduate programs in mathematics around the country.

Jaden Reed is a freshman in the Bachelor of Music Performance Program. He has distinguished
himself as a gifted musician and performer, winning first place in the National Association
of Teachers of Singing Music Theater Competition, upper college division. Jaden won
first place in this division at both the district and northwest regional levels. Jaden
recently performed in featured roles with the UAA Opera and Music Theater Ensemble
in Fairbanks.

Tunca Isik Askin is a junior double majoring in Philosophy and History. He is the
current president of the UAA Philosophy Club and the co-creator and co-host of a philosophy
podcast on Spotify, where he has interviewed prominent intellectuals, including Noam
Chomsky. Tunca is currently serving as the President of the UAA Philosophy Club. In
2022, he was the winner of the UAA Undergraduate Philosophy Essay Contest for his
paper, “Noemata: Abstract Objects and ontic Determiners.” Tunca presented this paper
as the student keynote at the UAA Undergraduate Philosophy Conference.

Physics and Astronomy
Katherine Sakeagak is pursuing a dual major in Civil Engineering and Mathematics along
with plans to complete a minor in Physics as well. She has conducted multiple high-quality
research projects working with faculty in the UAA Physics and Astronomy department,
starting through the Alaska URISE program and studying galaxy evolution with Dr. Erin
Hicks. Katherine has presented her research at the Alaska URISE Research Celebration
in 2019, and the Alaska Space and Grant Symposia in 2021 and upcoming in 2022.

Political Science
Matt Green is pursuing a degree in Political Science and International Studies. Matt
is heavily involved with the Model UN at UAA. He worked closely with Professor Kimberly
Pace to develop the first Fall Virtual Model United Nations Conference. Matt served
as the Secretary General for the Fall conference, and as the President of the General
Assembly for the Spring conference with over 100 participants. Matt also serves as
a CESA, a representative for USUAA, and is a member of the Honors College in the Leadership

Haley Duryea is a junior pursuing a B.A. in Psychology with a minor in Justice. She
is currently on a research team through UAF that studies isolation and loneliness
in older adults and the effects of COVID with suggestions on how to improve well-being.
Haley is also a part of the Seawolf Mentor program, a program hosted through the Mentor
Collective. In this program. Haley has several mentees as well as a mentor.

Tylantiss Atlas is pursuing a degree in Sociology. She chose to major in sociology
her freshman year because she was in a class called Sports and Society. Taking this
course allowed her to have a different outlook and perspective on situations going
on around her. Ever since, sociology has been something that continues to be intriguing.
Tylantiss has been a full-time student athlete while working on campus at a part-time
job. As a student athlete, Tylantiss loves UAA and the academic resources provided.

Women's and Gender Studies
Jocelyn Lewis is a committed student in the Women’s and Gender Studies program. She
shares generously with her thoughts and experience, enriching the class experience
for herself and others. According to her professors, Jocelyn is always eager to learn.
She engages deeply, is passionate about and is committed to feminism and gender studies.
Jocelyn is a pre-major in Nursing Science. Her background in Women’s and Gender Studies
will stand her in good stead in the medical professions.
Our Generous CAS Donors
Anonymous (16)
Audrey L. Addison
Richard and Diane Allen
Maria and Thomas Allison
Carole A. Anderson
Amanda M. Andraschko
Andres R. Antuna
Elyse G. C. Applegate
Kolleen A. Ashman
Vincen and Chelsea Avichayil
Myrtle M. Baker
Nancy Ball
Rachael Ball
Katherine A. Barger
Keith D. Baxter
Beacon Press
David Blanchet
Robert J. Boeckmann
Glenn P. Boledovich
Conrad E. Booth
James Bowers and Cheryl Childers
Page L. Brannon
Brandon Briggs
Liz M. Brooks
Kevin M. Buettner
Jason L. Burkhead
Bella Cai
Megan and Rodney Carlson
Tanya Carlson
David S. Carter
Cynthia L. Cartledge
John and Sandra Christopherson
Sharon J. Clawson
Grant R. Cochran
Lewis Cohn
Jennifer M. Collins
Julia and Scott Cooley
Glen R. Coulson
Deanna M. Crosby
Gia and Craig Currier
Michael and Heather Daigneault
Mary and John Dailey
Sharon F. Davies
Donald Davis and Elizabeth Robbins
Jeffrey and Eileen Demain
Elizabeth J. Dennison
Kathryn Duane
Khrystyne N. Duddleston
Hilda Duenez
Virginia C. Duffy
Gregory and Shari Durocher
Gloria D. Eldridge
Robert Ellis and Megan Moore
Zoe L. Ellis
Margritt Engel
Arne G. Erickson
Michelle D. Fellows
Brenda and Timothy Fenton
Timothy J. Foley
David Frankl and Mary Blenkush
Brent and Kristen Freiburger
Michael Gabler
Jan and Bill Gehler
Timothy R. Goldsworthy
Ann P. Gray
Keith and Roxie Greer
Adam and Karyn Grove
Bernd and Paula Guetschow
Carol H. Gustafson
SongHo Ha
Rachael M. Hannah
Geraldine Hanson
Franklin Harris and Tina
Ryan Harrod
Ian C. Hartman
Sarah D. Hartmann
William G. Herman
Victoria and Jon Hermon
Bradley and Victoria Hillwig
Richard J. Hitchcock
Ruby and Scott Hollembaek
Donald Hopwood and Leslie Dean
Richard and Sheila Howe
Chiquita and Lee Hudson
Constance G. Huff
John F. Ingman, Jr.
David J. James
Japan Alaska Association
Ada D. Johnson
Beth Johnson
Cindy Johnson
Craig and Nancy Johnson
Alberta and Peter Jones
Lora Jorgensen and James Kemplen
Andrew and Donna Josephson
Melvin Kalkowski and Sharilyn Mumaw
Simon and George Kattenhorn
Sean D. Kennedy
Joon Kim
Beverly M. O. Kirk
Amy L. Kirkham
Leslie Kleinfeld
Sarah Komar
Jocelyn Krebs and Susannah Morgan
Sarah J. Krug Schultz
Robert Kuhner
Rick and Blythe Kurtz
Nicole J. Lacy
Debbie A. LaFleiche
David Landis and Sean Dowdall
Joan T. Landis
Steve and Gladys Langdon
Charles E. Licka
Angel and Marie Llanes
Brandon T. Locke
M. M. Lopez
Carolyn K. Lyons
Gerald M. Mabrito
Eugene Mahoney
Marcy B. Marino
Linda and Stephen Marsh-Ives
Allison B. Martin
Rebeca Maseda Garcia
Patricia McAnany and Peter Joyce
Julian L. McCarthy
Sarah E. McConnell
Teena McDonald
Keith and Roxie Greer
Adam and Karyn Grove
Bernd and Paula Guetschow
Carol H. Gustafson
SongHo Ha
Rachael M. Hannah
Geraldine Hanson
Franklin Harris and Tina
Ryan Harrod
Ian C. Hartman
Sarah D. Hartmann
William G. Herman
Victoria and Jon Hermon
Bradley and Victoria Hillwig
Richard J. Hitchcock
Ruby and Scott Hollembaek
Donald Hopwood and Leslie Dean
Richard and Sheila Howe
Chiquita and Lee Hudson
Constance G. Huff
John F. Ingman, Jr.
David J. James
Japan Alaska Association
Ada D. Johnson
Beth Johnson
Cindy Johnson
Craig and Nancy Johnson
Alberta and Peter Jones
Lora Jorgensen and James Kemplen
Andrew and Donna Josephson
Melvin Kalkowski and Sharilyn Mumaw
Simon and George Kattenhorn
Sean D. Kennedy
Joon Kim
Beverly M. O. Kirk
Amy L. Kirkham
Leslie Kleinfeld
Sarah Komar
Jocelyn Krebs and Susannah Morgan
Sarah J. Krug Schultz
Robert Kuhner
Rick and Blythe Kurtz
Nicole J. Lacy
Debbie A. LaFleiche
David Landis and Sean Dowdall
Joan T. Landis
Steve and Gladys Langdon
Charles E. Licka
Angel and Marie Llanes
Brandon T. Locke
M. M. Lopez
Carolyn K. Lyons
Gerald M. Mabrito
Eugene Mahoney
Marcy B. Marino
Linda and Stephen Marsh-Ives
Allison B. Martin
Rebeca Maseda Garcia
Patricia McAnany and Peter Joyce
Julian L. McCarthy
Sarah E. McConnell
Teena McDonald
Ashley A. McKibbon
John C. McKiernan
Jenny McNulty
Ann McPeck Gabler
Amy and Brian Meissner
Jeffrey R. Meyers, Jr.
Jo and Peter Michalski
Edwin R. Mighell, Jr.
Marti Miller
Dean and Kelly Mitchell
Catherine T. Moller
Judith Moore
Richard Mylius and Sally Gibert
Elizabeth and Dale Nash
Elizabeth V. Newell
Catherine M. Olson
Yasuhiro Ozuru
Charles J. Panigeo
Donald E. Parker
Elizabeth K. Paton
Alan and Sharon Peabody
Sherilynn L. Peterson
William and Mary Pfister
Linda and Donald Porter
Marcia A. Pratt
Ginna Purrington
John Quimby and Kathleen Egan
Travis Rector and Paola Banchero
Brandon and Shani Rinner
Wendy and Doug Robbins
Lawrence and Debra Roberts
Lynn Roderick and Walter Van Horn
Chelsea B. Roehl
Frances Rose
The Rosich Family
Adeline and Greg Schlabaugh
Cynthia and David Schraer
Rebecca J. See
Kathryn Sink
Kevin and Petra Smith
Timothy and Rumi Smith
John and Marcy Stalvey
Greg and Cassandra Stalzer
Selene W. Stoll
Timothy and Anne Stone
Robert Stuart and Sondra Shaginoff-Stuart
Krisjon and Christie Tabisola
Michael A. Tallino-Smith
Francine C. Taylor
Monica Terrones
James J. Tiesinga
Jeffrey and Cathy Tipton
Halley Tran
Chris Triplett
Nataliya F. Udovyk
Frances A. Ulmer
Olga and Ian van Tets
Neil Vasavada
Melanie Wahl
Leah A. Walker
Jacob D. Wells
Candace and Grandin West
Christopher Williams and Celeste Brown
Jonathan Wrede
John C. McKiernan
Jenny McNulty
Ann McPeck Gabler
Amy and Brian Meissner
Jeffrey R. Meyers, Jr.
Jo and Peter Michalski
Edwin R. Mighell, Jr.
Marti Miller
Dean and Kelly Mitchell
Catherine T. Moller
Judith Moore
Richard Mylius and Sally Gibert
Elizabeth and Dale Nash
Elizabeth V. Newell
Catherine M. Olson
Yasuhiro Ozuru
Charles J. Panigeo
Donald E. Parker
Elizabeth K. Paton
Alan and Sharon Peabody
Sherilynn L. Peterson
William and Mary Pfister
Linda and Donald Porter
Marcia A. Pratt
Ginna Purrington
John Quimby and Kathleen Egan
Travis Rector and Paola Banchero
Brandon and Shani Rinner
Wendy and Doug Robbins
Lawrence and Debra Roberts
Lynn Roderick and Walter Van Horn
Chelsea B. Roehl
Frances Rose
The Rosich Family
Adeline and Greg Schlabaugh
Cynthia and David Schraer
Rebecca J. See
Kathryn Sink
Kevin and Petra Smith
Timothy and Rumi Smith
John and Marcy Stalvey
Greg and Cassandra Stalzer
Selene W. Stoll
Timothy and Anne Stone
Robert Stuart and Sondra Shaginoff-Stuart
Krisjon and Christie Tabisola
Michael A. Tallino-Smith
Francine C. Taylor
Monica Terrones
James J. Tiesinga
Jeffrey and Cathy Tipton
Halley Tran
Chris Triplett
Nataliya F. Udovyk
Frances A. Ulmer
Olga and Ian van Tets
Neil Vasavada
Melanie Wahl
Leah A. Walker
Jacob D. Wells
Candace and Grandin West
Christopher Williams and Celeste Brown
Jonathan Wrede